Saturday, August 18, 2012

We survived our first week!

Yea we survived our first week of Hudson being home.  We came home from the hospital on Sunday the 12th.  Thanks to my awesome family and ward members we have been well taken care of.  I have not cooked a meal for a week which has been so nice.  Katye my sister and McCoy came to visit and bring veggies from their garden.                                       
 First car ride in his new car seat.

 Mack and Gunnar getting  to hold Hudson at home.  My mom took the boys Sunday until Wednesday night so I could have a few days alone with Hudson.  The best gift ever. My parents had a week stay at the Zermatt in Midway so that is where the boys spent three nights.  They went swimming, played tennis, swam some more, played with cousins, etc.  They had a great time.
 Rock, Hudson and I decided we need to see for ourselves the condo at Zermatt so we headed up Friday and stayed over until Saturday (Aug 17-18th).
 Mack and Gunnar eating breakfast.
 Swimming with dad.  They swam Friday night and Saturday morning.
 Saturday morning they spent most of the time in the hot tub.

 Mack showing us how to swim.  Since he has taken swimming lesson he feels more confident in the water and loves to swim now.

 Rock throwing Mack in the air.
 Boys on the big nice King bed.
 Hudson enjoying our little get away.
One week down and many more to go.  tonight as we got home from Midway we had a rough day with the boys but we are taking it one day one week at time.

1 comment:

Amanda and Miles said...

Congratulations! on the little guy...and how nice of your mom to take them for so long.