Wednesday, October 17, 2012

BUSY BUSY BUSY & reminder for future reference when my boys are teenagers!

Been really busy the past week and honestly I like it that way.  I am not a person who likes to sit down and relax for too long.  I like having my day full of things to do and places to go. After an hour of sitting I am done and up doing something.  I get bored just sitting.  I feel bad for my husband because he loves to go to the movies but an hour into the movie I am restless, bored and ready to leave.  For me watching or going to a movie is a waste of money and time.  My opinion and my personality just doesn't like to sit and do nothing for long periods of time.  So staying busy keeps me from going insane.  I am working on balancing productive busy-ness with just busy-ness that can be better spent at home talking and playing with my kids. In all honesty keeping busy helps me get up and going in the morning because I am so tired and keeps me from clasping from exhaustion. Getting out of the house helps me from just falling down and crying.  Raising boys is so hard for me.  I have to send them downstairs because they are so loud that they wake up Hudson all the time and the poor kid gets 15 min cat naps throughout the day and by 5:00 he is so exhausted he just cries and cries until the boys finally go to bed and it is quiet.  They bang on the doors, throw balls in the house, wrestle, Gunnar's whinning all the time, potty training Gunnar, Mack teasing Gunnar which leads to more whinning, breaking pictures on the wall, smashing my water jug with their bats, chewing up their new nerf football, etc.  So getting them out of the house helps calm me down and them down.  Getting Mack involved in Gymnastics and Football helps him.  Yes I am venting but ten years down the road when I am missing my little one's I will read this and be grateful that they are older.  And when if I could look into the future and see what life will be like in 10 years I will remember to be grateful that they are young and that potty training is much easier then raising teenagers.

1 comment:

Brimaca said...

I love to be busy too! And I LOVE that family pic on the side of your growing family. So cute. :)