Monday, June 30, 2014


I have prayed ever since I was a mother that I would be able to stay home with my kids and my husband would have a good job to provide for our children.  The past few years I have often wondered if this prayer is being heard.  I feel like it is a righteous desire of mine to stay at home while my kids are young and really Rock and I have sacrificed a lot to make this happen but with all the job changes and him not making very much money in jobs I wonder how much longer I can stay home with my kids.  I do work a couple nights a week but that is not enough to help sustain our situation to help us meet the needs of bills, food, transportation and a home to live in. 
Rock and I worked very hard and sacrificed a lot of "things" we would like to have to get out of debt.  As soon as this happened we went through the job losses and had to go through our savings and go into debt to replace our furnace in the middle of winter.  Working hard and sacrifices didn't help us in keeping ourselves out of debt.  I thought as we obeyed counsel from prophets to get out of debt we would find peace and blessings.  I feel like that was just the opposite of what happened to our family.  Why does Heavenly Father deem it fair to bless others with a new home and no money worries as they have worked hard to stay out of debt like we have and punish us.  I just don't understand.  We both are trying to do what is right and one gets blessed and the other gets punished.  Why is that? 
Why do people treat employers they way they treat them.   You work for me, make me money and will pay you the least amount possible so I get more of it.  Even if you are a good employee, sorry no raises, etc.  I need more money.  Why do people do whatever it takes to get more and more money no matter how unethical or right it is to achieve more money?  Why at the expense of others and their families do they what more and more?  Why does the Lord allow those people to keep getting more and more success and money when they are not being fair, ethical or right?  Why does a company hire more employers because they get more money from the government?  Why is this economic world so messed up?  Why why why I ask? 
How do I find peace that is not associated with money?  It is what I need to keep my family fed, in school, serve a mission, and a home over their heads.  So how do I achieve peace when each pay check I wonder how I am going to pay tithing, food, bills, and other obligations and still have money for savings and get out of debt again.  How?

Rock and I have decided that this home is probably where we are going to be living for a while now.
As of this week (June 23rd 2014) I have decided to try and find a job to help with our family incomes.  I don't want to work everyday and want to be with my family but I have to take steps necessary to provide for these boys.  It sure break my heart though.  I guess I just need to learn to let go of a dream I have had to stay home with my kids.  I had all the faith in the world when Mack was born that the Lord would help us in my quest, I thought a righteous quest for me to stay home with my kids, but since then we have struggled financially.  I am not going back to work to get a bigger house or a new car.  I am going back to work to help pay our bills, pay off debt, have a little money in savings and provide the basic needs of my family. A need to survive in this world without going in welfare.

Motherhood, parenthood for that matter is so overwhelming.  I feel this huge burden on my shoulders all the time worrying about my kids and how they will turn out, if I am raising them right, trying to have patients with them, make sure I am keeping up with society, reading homework, keeping them safe, etc.  My biggest worry is keeping them fed as they are eating all the time and being able to provide food for them, pay our bills, keep a roof over their heads, etc.

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